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Stuart Carpey - An Expert Truck Accident Attorney In Philadelphia


Stuart Carpey frequently updates his readers with monthly newsletters, legal news, client questions, and much more! He also discusses relevant issues with other experts in the field and stays up-to-date on all legal guidance.

Free Books by Stuart Carpey

Our free legal books, written by Philadelphia Lawyer, Stuart A. Carpey, offer great information on a variety of legal aspects including how to handle your car accident case, how to find the right attorney, and how to select the right insurance to protect you in the event of an accident. Stuart Carpey is a legal expert in personal injury law and has spent his entire career advocating for victims of accidents and medical malpractice. He has written several books on these subjects, including books on car insurance, motorcycle safety, negotiating with insurance companies, and other important topics for Pennsylvania legal consumers. Get copies of our free law books mailed to your address or call 1-610-834-6030 to request your copy today.

Free Books Group
Carpey Law Videos on YouTube

Video Library

Stuart Carpey frequently records videos that explain the legal process of the personal injury case. He also discusses relevant issues with other experts in the field. You can view the Carpey Law video library on our YouTube channel.


The Carpey Law monthly newsletter always features legal advice and information, as well as information about the firm. You can download our recent newsletters at the above link (or fill out the contact form and receive one in your mailbox each month!)

The Carpey Chronicles
car accident small rev

Checklist: What to Do at the Scene of a Car Accident

Stuart Carpey created this helpful checklist for everything you should remember to take note of if you are involved in a car accident. We recommend printing this guide out and keeping it in your glove compartment.

The Carpey Law Advantage

Why choose Stuart Carpey as your personal injury lawyer?

Thumbs up

We set the standard for excellent customer service


Carpey Law will try your case in court and fight for you


Our results and reputation speaks for itself


Millions of dollars recovered for our clients

Request Free Books

The 10 Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Pennsylvania-Accident Case

The 10 Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Pennsylvania Accident Case

Car accidents can leave the most levelheaded people shaken up. But, after an accident, there are things you can and should do. This is true in any type of car accident. This important book by Stuart A. Carpey outlines what to do (and what not to do) at the scene of an accident and afterward – and how to avoid the most common mistakes made by victims of auto accidents.

Purchasing Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania

Purchasing Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania

This free law book discusses how to protect your family by purchasing the correct type of car insurance. Learn about: 

  • The difference between full tort and limited tort coverage
  • The definition of uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage
  • Why your health insurance company, Medicare, or the Department of Public Welfare may want to take all of your settlement or verdict proceeds and leave you with nothing
  • How you can protect yourself and your family with your own car insurance policy
  • Why it is extremely important that you read and understand your car insurance policy
Car Accident Case

The Pennsylvania Accident Victim’s Guide To Settling Your Car Accident Case With The Insurance Company

This book discusses how to go about handling and settling a personal injury case with an insurance company. Some smaller personal injury cases can, in fact, be resolved without the help of an attorney. Stuart A. Carpey discusses what type of cases might fit into that category, and provides guidance in how to go about the process including evidence collection, case presentation, negotiation, and when to involve an attorney. There are risks, however, in trying to deal with the insurance company without an attorney, and those risks are thoroughly discussed in this book.

The Good, The Bad, and The Law

The Good, The Bad, and The Law

The Guide To Motorcycle Accidents in Pennsylvania:

  • Preventing Accidents On Your Bike
  • What To Do If You’ve Had An Accident
  • Answers To The Most Common Questions Bikers Have about Insurance

This book describes motorcycle safety and accident prevention, and also focuses on the best insurance coverage for motorcyclists. It also discusses motorcycle injuries and the steps to take if you are in an accident. The book is a must-read for any motorcycle owner or rider in the state of Pennsylvania.


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly About Lawyer Advertising

A thought-provoking guide for those looking for a personal injury lawyer! Stuart A. Carpey helps you navigate the clutter and confusion of the world of lawyer advertising and helps you find the right attorney for your specific needs.

Mock Jury Cover

How We Evaluate Your Case Through the Use Of A Mock Jury

A must-read for anyone interested in conducting a mock jury or a consumer survey. This short but complete guide will walk you through mock jury best practices and offers real-life experience case studies.

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From the Carpey Kitchen – Recipes by Laura Carpey

For years I’ve been publishing some of my family’s favorite recipes to my husband’s newsletters. Now, I’d like to offer you a collection of these delicious dishes in my very first recipe book! Inside you will find some of the very same recipes I serve my family. They are tried and true and guaranteed to be a hit! Remember to keep checking the Carpey Chronicle newsletter every month for even more of my favorites! Enjoy! – Laura Carpey

Hi! I wanted to call and thank you for the recipe book from the Carpey Kitchen. This book is fantastic. I don’t see how Mr. Stuart isn’t overweight, eating like this. Thank you so much, again.
~ Joanne Davis

everything injury victims

Everything Injury Victims & Their Families Need To Know – A Guide Through the Complex Process of Dealing with Traumatic Injuries After an Accident

This book is intended to help guide injury victims and their families through the confusing and long-term process of dealing with traumatic injuries after an accident.  The information contained in this book will help to clarify and explain the process after an accident, injury or illness, and will help on the road to recovery. It is also a guide for patients with serious illnesses who need to navigate the confusing world of insurance to get medical bills paid and continue proper medical care.

This book is an essential read for anyone who has been involved in a serious accident, as well as for their family members.

Accidents, DUIs, & Drugs - Book Cover

What Everyone Must Know About Accidents, DUI, & Drugs in Pennsylvania

This book provides you with a broad understanding of the criminal defense and the personal injury claims process with a specific focus on drunk driving and drug offenses. The knowledge within this book is based on our combined 47 years of experience representing people from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds.

I was very impressed with the two books written by Stuart A. Carpey, Esquire – Purchasing Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania, and The Ten Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Pennsylvania Accident Case.  As these books make clear, Mr. Carpey has the rare ability to combine his extensive knowledge of the law with the sort of real-world information that consumers absolutely need to know. I recommend that anyone who owns a car read Mr. Carpey’s books, as well as anyone who has been in any kind of accident where an injury was sustained. These two books are a must-read for any informed citizen of Pennsylvania.”
~ Polk Wagner, Professor of Law